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What is the Metalise it... process and how does it work?

The Metalise it… process developed by AT 3D-SQUARED is a coating technology that plates a composite metal material onto a plastic offering a structural coating as well as an improved cosmetic finish. The technique used is a specially adapted electroplating process.

What materials can be used for coating parts with the Metalise it … process?

3DDC can currently apply the Metalise it … process using a full range of standard composite metal materials. Please follow the link.

Metal Coating / Plating

Are any of the RP processes more suitable than others?

Yes, preferred RP processes are SLA, which is suitable for high gloss surfaces; and SLS for technical applications based on the surface roughness of the parts produced using this method. The Perfactory process of Envisiontec is also a process that produces small parts with excellent surface finish, which is suitable for high gloss surfaces.

Parts that have proved to be more difficult to coat are those produced using the Polyjet process. However, it is not impossible to get around this and Polyjet parts can have a special treatment applied upfront, which then make them plateable. Very thin walled parts are not suitable.

Will my original model need to be modified?

Generally yes. The following are common modifications that need to be made:

• The part to be coated will need to be built to offset the required plating thickness. • Parts need to be completely cured / washed. If not fully cured blistering may appear.

What model finish is required for the different Metalise it... finish options?

Technical finish: Removal of support structure remove the build layers with up to 240 grade (click here for diagram)

High Gloss finish: Remove of support structure / build layers and finish up to 400 grade wet and dry. Imperfections need to be repaired.

The Metalise it… process will not hide any kind of build layers or imperfections. It just replicates the quality of the model that is beneath.

Is there an optimum surface thickness for the coating?

3DDC recommends coating thicknesses between 20 and 200µm, based on experience. Layer thicknesses greater than 200µm may lead to distortion of the part itself. The uniformity of the metal deposition can differ based on the geometry of the part. Please request our expertise for the best layer thickness to get the best performance out of your models. Please always take into account your required plating thickness and ensure that you offset your parts accordingly. TOP What benefits will the Metalise it....process bring to my model?

The Metalise it.. process can add specific advantages to any plastic part.

• The material properties of the part can be drastically improved, such as stiffness, rigidity, long term stability and so on. • New fields of application can be achieved by coating a plastic part, for instance electrical shielding and partial plating. • The model can be used in decorative applications. • Value engineering can be implemented for existing models for example by reducing wall thicknesses, eliminating extra features, etc.

Can I get a partially plated model?

3DDC is happy to consult on specific projects that require partial plating. Generally, depending on the requested area and the geometry of the model it is possible to plate sections of a model. However, for transparency, it should be noted that because partial plating requires an additional step in the process, costs may increase.

Are there any part geometry limitations?

The largest parts that can benefit from the Metalise it … process are 1500 x 700 x 700 mm (length x width x depth).

Coating thickness decreases rapidly when plating in a deep, narrow section or recess.

Is there an optimum part size?

The optimum part size is smaller than 700 x 700 x 400 mm (length x width x depth). This is based on our process set up sizes.

How do I get a quote?

Please feel free to send your CAD files (MGX, STL, IGES) to 3DDC to request a quotation. Please state which RP / plastic material will be used, number of parts / batch size, required plating finish and any other special requirements.

We will get back to you within half a day with a detailed quotation and possible lead time as well as any special recommendations.

It is not possible to build my own model. Can I buy models from 3DDC?

We do not have our own machine capacity, however we do have an extended network of highly skilled partners working with additive technologies and plastic injection moulding and tooling technologies, from where we can source models for you. We are happy to provide the full service and manage the entire project for you.

All Services

  • Finishing
    • Metal Coating / Plating