Fab Lab Barcelona

One of the first Fab Labs in Europe and Fab10 global fab lab conference organizer

Welcome to Fab Lab Barcelona

The Fab Lab Barcelona is one of the leading laboratories worldwide network of Fab Labs , a small scale production and innovation workshops equipped with digital fabrication machines and technologies for the production of objects, tools and electronics. Fab Lab Barcelona is the organizer of the Fab10 global annual conference. The Fab Labs explore the relationship between the digital and physical world, began as an outreach project of the Center for Bits and Atom s MIT and has become a global network of people who inquire about the popularization of a new mode of production affect all levels of our lives: from the professional world of production, architecture or industrial design, to the domestic sphere, with the introduction of personal fabrication in our daily lives. The Fab Labs are organized around a global network that connects 100 laboratories in over 30 countries, from South Africa to Norway or the center of Amsterdam at an ashram in India. The Fab Labs are connected via videoconferencing systems and the Internet, and are building one of the largest networks of knowledge and people in the world that is growing exponentially worldwide, and is expected to double in the next two years. http://www.fablabbcn.org

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