Offering Cut Services in various materials.

Our Services

We are a company located in Santiago, Chile who offers cut services on CNC Router, Waterjet and Laser Cut.

We can cut a great variety of materials and thickness from paper to titanium.

Somos una compaƱia ubicada en Santiago, Chile que ofrece servicios de corte en Router CNC, Chorro de agua y Corte Laser.

Podemos cortar una gran variedad de materiales y espesores desde papel hasta titanio.

CNC Machining

We can cut using CNC router, Waterjet and laser technologies.

Podemos cortar en Router CNC, Chorro de agua y con Laser

Laser Cutting

We offer cutting services with Laser cut from wood and acrylic to Mild and staniless steel

Ofrecemos servicios de corte con Laser desde madera y acrilico hasta fierro y acero inoxidable.

Powder Coating

We have powder coating services up to 3 meters long.

Ofrecemos pintura electroestatica hasta 3 metros de largo.

Media & Print

We can print digital media up to 5 meters and also rigid materials

Podemos Imprimir digitalmente hasta 5 metros y en formato rigido.

All Services

  • Fabrication
    • CNC Machining
      • CNC Routing
    • Laser Processes
      • Laser Cutting
    • Printing
      • Sheet & Film Printing
    • Sheet Metal Fabrication
    • Waterjet Cutting
  • Finishing
    • Powder Coating
  • Media & Print