I Made That

Provoke your creativity by making your idea a reality

Our Services

The level of service we provide depends solely on how much or how little support you, the client, want and need. With our focus being on nurturing YOUR creativity, I Made That can help you conceptualise a basic "fag packet" idea through simple sketches and thought shower sessions. Your idea will then be refined and rendered into a 3D model using Computer Aided Design (CAD) ready for printing.

Alternatively, if you are in the industry or a keen CAD designer/3D modeller, you can use I Made That purely as a printing service. Software like Google Sketchup & Inventor Fusion and websites such as Thingeverse.com make designing your own 3D object, adapting an existing design or just printing freely accessible models, very accessible and fun. I Made That are here to help you fulfil your potential as an innovator.


idea generating, innovating, product design & manufacturing

CAD Modelling & File Conversion

3D modelling and model manipulation


Rapid prototyping and 3D printing

3D Printing

Rapid prototyping and 3D printing

Fused Deposition Modelling

Printing your digital 3D model into a physical 3D product

Architectural Model Making

3D print scale models

All Services

  • Design
    • CAD Modelling & File Conversion
    • Design Analysis
  • Fabrication
    • 3D Printing
      • Fused Deposition Modelling
    • Laser Processes
      • Laser Cutting
  • Scale Model Making
    • Architectural Model Making