Jumbie Industries's Logo

About Jumbie Industries

We are passionate about two things: craftsmanship and compassion.

We are a mission-driven manufacturing company. Driven by the ethos, craftsmanship with a cause, we specializes in laser cutting, engraving, signage, design, and manufacturing – all for a good cause. We donate 10% of our profits to local pediatric cancer charities.

We started Jumbie Industries after Joe Henson, the 12-year-old son of our family friend, Angie, developed medulloblastoma (a highly aggressive and malignant form of brain cancer). As if this wasn't terrible enough, Angie (a mother of 4), was left widowed when her husband, Chris, was taken from them in a tragic car accident several years ago.

It was at that point we made the decision to do whatever we could to help ease the burden childhood cancer was besetting upon our friend's family. With Jay spending nearly 20 years working as a creative director in the advertising world, and Melanie spending the best part of her career working at an international non-profit, it was natural to tap into our professional skills to create a fundraising and advocacy campaign of epic proportions. You can read more about that particular campaign, called "Fear Isn't Real," here.

Jumbie Industries is the natural progression of that campaign. We're utilizing our professional skills to create beautiful products and make a difference. It's fun, fulfilling, and important.

What else can you ask for in life?


We ship worldwide. Shipping costs are billed at completion of project as it's often impossible to estimate the final weight and size.

Turnaround Time

Sometimes 24 hours. Sometimes 4 weeks. It all depends on the project.

Opening Hours
9am - 5pm Monday - Friday
  • Company registration number: 4103039760.