Mesa Studio

CNC Machining and Fabrication

Our Services

CNC Machining

Drawing Preparations

Accepted file formats are .dwg (Autocad) and .3dm (Rhino), and model must be in millimeters, 1:1 scale.

2D Milling

The cutting area is 2440mm x 1220mm (4” x 8”). Shapes to be cut must be drawn within this area (portrait orientation). The bottom-left corner should be located on the x/y origin, or 0,0 coordinates.

A 20mm border must be left from board edge and between separate pieces within the board.

The machine can cut on a line, outside a line or offset inside a line, and you will need to specify which. These should be arranged within separate layers. For example: ‘01Inside’, ‘02outside’, ‘03_on’.

For holes draw a circle and add a ‘point’ at the centre of the circle, on a separate layer, for example ‘04_9mm holes’.

The smallest drillbit is 3mm (or 1mm of V-bit), so the minimum radius on internal corners is 3mm.

3D Milling

We accept mesh and nurbs surfaces.

Maximum material height is 120mm, and maximum cut depth from the top surface is 85mm.

If your model contains undercuts, we can do double-sided milling.

All Services

  • Assembly
  • Fabrication
    • CNC Machining
  • Finishing
  • Scale Model Making
    • Architectural Model Making