
Making products happen - 3D & Digital printers, CNC routers, laser cutting & engraving

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About Weproductise

Weproductise: Start-up to boost creativity, innovation and business in the areas of home products and solutions designed for space-saving and improving quality of life, with a committed team of designers, engineers and marketers and a state-of-the-art Toolshop (3D printers, CNC routers, laser cutting & engraving, regid & flexible materials digital printer, Thermoforming, among others). Headquarters placed in the north of Portugal, which includes also offices and Guest House, co-working and lounge areas, along with 30 000sqm of green areas


Design and Product Engineering Communication Design, Marketing & sales support

Turnaround Time

Depends on the complexity. it take hours or weeks.

Opening Hours
9am - 19pm
No problem in working overtime in the evening & weekends
  • Company registration number: 510254560.