Pendle Woodcraft

a small diverse woodworking company with a personalized service

Welcome to Pendle Woodcraft

Welcome to Pendle Woodcraft (Blackburn) Ltd.

Pendle Woodcraft (Blackburn) Ltd. is a small diverse woodworking company based in Darwen, Lancashire, which invites enquiries - large or small, either in wood based material or plastic. Long-term projects that need proto-type samples manufacturing prior to larger production runs are also welcome.

Customers are spread over a broad spectrum of industry. These include, brewery, construction, hairdressing, giftware, retail, auditorium and public seating.

Services provided by Pendle Woodcraft (Blackburn) Ltd. are :-

CNC wood based component manufacturing.
Wood spray finishing.
Wood copy lathe turning.
Preformed plywood.
Wood engraving

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